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Sage Sonic, Pat's Rubber Legs Sale, & Streamers

Barry talks about the Sage Sonic

There is a question I've gotten a couple times lately in one form or another. One went something like, “I know you're a Sage fan and I would love to buy an R8, but it's just not in the cards right now. Is there another less expensive rod that you could recommend?” Another one, “I just purchased a 590 R8 and love it, but now I'm going on a trip to Argentina where I need a 8-weight streamer rod. Is there a Sage rod that is good for this yet a little less money?”

The price of a Sage R8 is slightly over a thousand dollars, and in my opinion it's worth every cent. The R8 is one of the finest casting rods ever made. But, unfortunately most anglers have a price limit and in the case of the streamer rod question above, there is a good second option. This guy is obviously planning to fish dry flies with his R8, as he should, and adding a second less expensive option for his streamer rod is a good option with the Sage Sonic.

For the past season I have been fishing the R8, but have also spent a lot of hours with the Sonic and at $675, it's a real value. When I first took it out of the tube, I was immediately impressed with the finish. The color is Juniper, a rich dark olive. The reel seat (depending on the model) is uplocking in either a wood or aluminum matt finish. It's a beautiful rod and immediately makes a statement of the quality we have come to expect from Sage.

Ok. But does it cast? Does it cast, are you kidding me? The Sonic blew me away with its performance. It has the Konnetic HD technology that Sage brought to the game which in a few words means that it tracks well, dampens quickly, and has feel as well as power. It works great at close and long range and in all applications whether you're throwing streamers, drifting nymphs, or casting dries.

Cathy and I have been associated with Sage for over forty years in one way or another. In the early days we were a Sage dealer, then Team Sage and Ambassadors, and pro staff. We have a long history with the Sage Rod Company and have fished a lot of Sage rods over the years, but I have to say that Sage has a winner in the Sonic and at a great price for a premier rod – and still made in the U.S.A.!


Pat's Rubber Legs Still on Sale!

Tungsten bead head makes this nymph get down quickly. Pat's is a popular pattern in both the east and the west. It's a great all around imitation for stoneflies, hellgrammites, and other larger insects. Size 8. A mix of colors; Black, Brown, Brown & Olive, and Black & Tan. Great as a dropper with a large Super Beetle or Fat Albert. Regularly $2.35 each, now 6 for $10. Check it out.

Streamer Presentations — The Cross-Current Strip

While we're on the subject of streamer rods, here an interesting article from our friends at Troutbitten about streamer presentations. As always, there were some things that we probably don't think enough about when fishing streamers. It's worth checking out. Thanks, Domenick.

That's all for this week. If you like fishing large rubber legs, check out our Pat's Rubber Legs on Sale. It's a great price and we'll offset the shipping with a surprise in every package. We hope you have a great week. October is flying by and is just about half over. The weather and the fishing have been good here. We hope you're getting out!

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