In-Laws Bass Pond

Need a chuckle? You're likely to always get it from Louis Cahill. I guess in one way or another, we've all been in his place. Thank you Louis, Gink & Gasoline, and MidCurrent.
Do you Use a Travel Agent?
Have you ever found yourself late at night faced with a canceled flight and having to sleep in the airport gate area? It happens and sometimes there's nothing that can be done. But sometimes there is and more than once

has come to our rescue when all the phone lines have been jammed and lines went out the door at the airline help desks (today you're lucky if anyone is even at the desk!). This article was in a travel news letter, Boarding Area, a couple weeks ago and we think it's a very good tip and definitely worth sharing.
Tying a Simple Foam Beetle
Looking for an easy foam beetle for summer fishing? It can't get much simpler than Tim Flagler's easy foam beetle over at Tightline Productions. Thanks Tim.
Free Leaders

Our beetle selection and free leader offer is still running. See last week's blog for details.
That's it for this week. Cathy & Barry are in Scotland and Ireland with a group fishing for salmon and trout. They were really looking forward to the trip, it's the first time back for them since Covid. Have a great week.