Beck's Hi-Viz Indicator Fly
by Barry
It was 2018, and were fishing a small Irish spring creek with Andrew Ryan, owner of Clonanav Fly Fishing, outfitter, and guide. A pod of beautiful wild brown trout were busy feeding just below the surface on small BWO emerging nymphs. Andrew handed Cathy a

larger parachute dry fly and told her to tie it on the leader. She politely observed that the size 12 parachute with a hot pink wing was far from what she thought the trout were feeding on. Andrew laughed and explained that it was to be the indicator fly to support a size 18 bead head pheasant tail nymph just below the surface, which he was just now removing from his fly box.

Andrew told us to take a look at the bend of the hook. Securely fastened to the hook was a tippet ring ready for a length of 6X tippet and then the size 18 pheasant tail nymph. We thought this was a pretty clever way to fish a dry dropper. (A size 16 or 18 PT nymph is our favorite) We have been fishing this setup ever since. Not only does it make an easy-to-follow, unsinkable indicator fly, a fish actually takes the parachute on occasion. Our new Hi-Viz Indicator flies are tied Klinkhamer style on barbless super sharp size 12 hooks with a tippet ring attached, just like Andrew’s. Size 12 View in Store
A reminder

We are accepting reservations for our 2024, Ireland departure, a great fishing trip for anglers and sightseeing for non-anglers. Anticipated dates are June 15-22, 2024. Read More.
Angling Pressure Part 2

Last week we posted Part 1 of this interesting podcast from Domenec Swentosky at Troutbitten. In that podcast things like how fishing pressure affects the fish, how they respond to more fishermen placing more casts and how trout change both short term and long term. How do they adapt their habits in response to us? How do we stay one step ahead?
Lots to think about and interesting discussions to follow and consider. Join us now for Part 2.
We saw the Hendrickson hatch stall a bit this week with a cold snap that is hitting us. We had snow flurries today. Warmer weather is right around the corner though, so it will get going again. A few grannom caddis are showing and we're hopeful that this will only get better. Overall, water levels are very good and we're having pretty good fishing for the third week in April. We hope you have a great week and thanks for following along with the blog.