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Sage Rods & Belize Opening

Sage Rods

Perhaps its easy to get caught up in the medium fast actions that make Sage who they are. And why not the new R8’S are absolutely incredible casting tools and I have always made a case for the lower priced Sonic which I feel is often overlooked. Most of you who follow my blogs know that I have just returned from  hosting a trip to Ireland. You also probably know what my opinion is of Andrew Ryan owner of Clonanav Fly Fishing Centre who in my humble opinion is one of the best fly casters and fly fisherman in Europe. On this trip I had the lucky opportunity to fish with Andrew on his beats on the Nire one of my favorite little rivers in Ireland.

Owning a fly shop has its advantages especially when it comes to which fly rod will you fish today so I didn’t pay attention to what fly rod Andrew was stringing up. We always take turns and when it was mine Andrew said try my rod it has a new line I am testing. From my first cast I liked the line but more than that I loved the rod action. I was a little embarrassed when I realized that it was a Sage 490-4 Light Line. This medium action Sage was once my go to rod for all of my spring creek fishing and here at home in the summer months when I often needed 6 an7x tippets.  Somewhere along the way I moved on to the Sage One then the X and now the Sonic and R8.

Then I got lucky and hooked up on a nice Nire brown trout, the LL Sage allowed me to keep control of the browns aggressive runs and finally bring the trout to Andrews waiting net and when I thanked Andrew for netting my fish, he informed me that his tapered leader was tipped out with 6x, I was really impressed to say the least. . I am hosting two photo safaris in Africa and will be there for a month but when I return it will be a few days into August and Fishing Creek will probably be low and gin clear the perfect opportunity to use my 389 Sage LL



We still have some room on our Belize departure this fall ( November 2-9 ). If you like Permit, bonefish and tarpon then this is a trip you’ll love. Turneffe Flatts Lodge is world renown for its permit opportunities along with the reel chance for a grand slam. Great boats and guides and the chance to do some diving or snorkeling for you or a non-angler along the reef. My own opinion its my favorite saltwater destination and I look forward to each falls trip to Turneffe. . Think about joining our group, we’d love to have you. Call Joe Linscott at Frontiers for further information.


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