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Report from the Bighorn


Report from the Bighorn

Barry and Cathy are on the Bighorn River in Montana this week enjoying some late summer weather and good fishing. They are finishing up the first week and have had 6 days of warm sunny weather with PMDs and lots of tan and black caddis. Fishing has been very good with dry flies and nymphs. According to the guides, the river was very busy last week but school is starting in many Montana districts so the pressure is much less this week. Here are a few shots and I'm sure we'll have more later this week.

Bahama Mama

John Frazier has been a good friend for many years, so when we ran across this story about his Bahama Mama we had to use it. For many anglers we are approaching that time of year when trout fishing slows down and plans for a fall saltwater trip start to form. I know we're thinking about our October trip to Turneffe Island! If you are thinking about a bonefish trip or have plans in place and are tying bonefish flies, take along a few of John's Bahama Mama patterns.

Thank you, John, and Fly Tyer Magazine!

TU – Equipment Matters

Maybe you saw this short piece in the recent T.U. Newsletter. I'll be the first to admit that I never gave a throw line a second thought, never gave it a first thought either, and we've floated many miles in rafts and have had some scary moments. It's short and to the point. Please take a minute to read Josh Duplechian's take on the subject. I'd wager that most of us think the same way. Thanks, Josh and T.U. For bringing this to our attention.

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Beck Photography

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