International Travel Report
We recently spent two weeks in Patagonia, Argentina, at Argentina Waters and Estancia Tres Valles. Everyday since getting home we've had calls from friends and clients asking about the travel. What's different? What was the Covid testing like? What has changed on the planes?
Here's a quick overview. Unlike Spain in October where a rapid test was accepted, Argentina required a PCR test analyzed in a lab. We were a bit nervous about getting our results back within the time frame needed for our departure because of Thanksgiving, but it worked and everyone had their covid documentation ready by flight time. It was inspected at check-in.
The airports were not crowded or very busy on the way out of the country. It was the Saturday after Thanksgiving so perhaps most folks were where they wanted to be for the

weekend. Of course, masks were required in the airports and on the flights, but other than that things were pretty much normal.
Upon our arrival in Argentina, Immigration checked our required documents again, Covid test results, vaccination cards, and Covid insurance coverage along with our passports. Everything went smoothly and we were soon on our way to the hotel. Mask wearing in Buenos Aires is much like here although more often worn inside restaurants, hotels, and stores than here at the moment. Argentina has a higher rate of vaccination than us. The next day we flew to Esquel and it was the same – masks inside the plane.
Once we arrived at the lodge we didn't wear masks, but the kitchen staffs did. Both of the lodges that we visited are small and it was only our group of 8 plus the staff. Perfect for our first steps back into Argentina travel!

As we expected the fishing was incredible! The fish have been rested and on vacation themselves from anglers for well over a year – 2 fishing seasons. Now that we're back, we found them hungry, in great shape, bigger than ever, and happy to cooperate. Everyone agreed that it was one of the best trips ever for catching large trout. We wore our raincoats for about 2 hours one morning and the rest of the time it was unseasonably warm and sunny. Check out the photos taken by us and the group.
If this is any indication of the fishing season ahead, it's going to be an amazing year in Argentina!
Our transfer company arranged Covid testing in our hotel rooms in Buenos Aires on the way home. Staying an extra night in the city was a blessing as it gave us time to get tested and receive the results without stressing about deadlines and departure times. We highly recommend it. Plus we were able to have another dinner at Clark's Steak House, around the corner from Loi Suites.
We've done two international trips in the last few months, Spain and Argentina. We are going to be in Argentina often in the next three months and we feel safe and confident about international travel. It's very important to have the necessary documentation ready for inspection and after that concentrate on the fishing!! If you have a trip coming up, we're sure you'll have a great time.
Delta Slashes Miles Earnings

Delta recently announced that their Basic Economy seat purchases will no longer earn miles in the SkyMiles Program or earn credit towards Medallion Status. I am sure other airlines will follow suit if they haven't done the same already. Read more at
Fair? Doesn't Matter? We'd like to know what you think.
Here at Home
Our office is busy with gift certificates for guiding and lessons for next year and we're busy getting fly orders out the door. Fly selections are popular and easy to give for Christmas. Thank you to everyone who has remembered us and other small businesses at this time of year. It means more than you know.

That's it for this week.
9 more days until Christmas!!