Have you heard about Destinations?

A beautiful full format special publication from the folks at Fly Fisherman Magazine. As Frontiers says, It's all about the Experience, and this new magazine is full of lifetime trips from around the globe, the ultimate source for venturing fly anglers with travel agencies, gear, and in-depth stories.
Order Destinations online today (paper or digital)
Emerald Isle
And, on the subject of travel, we are very happy to be included in the first issue of Destinations with a feature on The Emerald Isle. Each June we take a group to Ireland for mostly trout but salmon fishing. It's a fun trip designed for both anglers and non-anglers. We hope you enjoy reading all about it in Destinations.

Nate Plagmann Memorial
If you've been to the Bighorn River in Montana with us, you have probably had Nate Plagmann as one of your guides. Nate was one of our four main guides and when we switched lodges and went to the Bighorn River Lodge a few years ago, Nate came with us. He was a fun loving, always smiling, always happy guy, and boy could he find the fish!

A couple days before we were to arrive this year, Nate went for a run and a massive heart attack took his life. He leaves his wife, Alicia, and two young children. Fly fishing guides don't generally have a safety net or retirement plan and Nate was no different. If you remember Nate and can help by making a donation to his GoFundMe, we thank you and Alicia thanks you. It's not going to be easy for them and any size donation will help.
And on a happier note, here are a few remaining photos from our Bighorn group. 2024 Dates are August 24-31 and August 31-Sept. 7. If you've never fished the west, or the Bighorn, you need to get this on your radar!

We have to be having the wettest September on record! The rain can't seem to stop! While we often have some flooding when we get rain like this, fortunately we escaped any flooding. The stream is bank full for a couple days and then it drops and looks good for a couple more...and then back up it goes. It's amazing because we're usually hoping for rain in September and now we're hoping for it to stop. The fish are in extraordinary this year from all the rain. I would say that we could have amazing fall fishing. Because of our work schedules, the blog is going out early this week. Have a great week and thanks for following.