We've been home from Turneffe Flats for almost 2 weeks. While Barry was editing photos, Thanksgiving came and went. We put together an album from the trip and we'll hope you have a look below.
Rex Dyer had the only grand slam, congratulations Rex. A grand slam is a tarpon, permit, and bonefish in the same day. It is a funny story from Rex because he was casting to tarpon, with a tarpon fly, when a nice permit ate it! That in itself is quite unusual. He and his guide landed the permit and then as is often the case, the tarpon came pretty easily, but they had a hard time finding a bonefish (which is supposed to be the easy part of the trio). Finally, he landed a bonefish and the celebrating started as soon as they got back to the dock.

As trip leaders, saltwater is a little trickier than freshwater. The weather, in the way of wind, tides, and moon phases, all affect the fishing and even when you think you've got all the stars aligned, sometimes the fish are still not where you expect them to be. Other times, you head out onto the flats and the fish are everywhere. Of course, that doesn't happen often enough for any of us. When we're out there looking for fish, I often think of the saying, “The ocean is so big and my boat is so small.”
We hear people say, “Oh, I don't fish in saltwater, I can make those long casts.” Those long casts are often in the 50-60' range with an 8-weight rod. It's a lot easier to cast an 8-weight 50' than it is a 5-weight. You may have to adjust to a longer casting stroke and the line may be heavier, but once you get an 8-weight moving, it sails. Often, the guide will announce a fish at 50 or 60 feet, but the fish is moving and so is the boat and by the time you see the fish and get the fly to him the fish is often closer, sometimes too close and he spooks. Sometimes it will be a single fish, other times it may be 3 or 4 or more fish traveling together, or even a school of fish. It's important to have good communication with the guide, he will always see more than you and he can help you direct the cast. These fish are always moving, not like a trout who likes to find a spot and stay in it. Saltwater fishing is often fast and furious, and other times slow. But it sure is nice to be in a warm place somewhere south of the border when the folks at home are putting another log on the fire.
We had a rainy start to the week at Turneffe with overcast skies which made the fish hard to spot, but then the weather straightened out the we had a couple beautiful warm sunny days. I always think of Lefty Kreh saying, “That's why you go for a week because you're going to have a couple bad days, a couple days when the weather is changing, and a couple good days.” It's true so often.
We hope you enjoy the photos (link below). Thank you to Frontiers and Craig & Karen Hayes at Turneffe Flats for a great week. 2024 Turneffe dates are November 2-9. Check out the trip details.
Loon Outdoors
Each year we receive a lovely Thanksgiving message from the folks at Loon Outdoors. Thanksgiving may be over, but we want to share this year's message. In this season of thankfulness and generosity, it's a gentle reminder to all of us that there are steps being taken in and around our small world of fly fishing that make a difference in the big picture. Thank you, Loon.
We believe in the importance of taking small steps for the long run—the imperfect, small, steady steps we take will add up. While we recognize there are big, nasty, hairy, complex problems facing our world. We also know that there are untold numbers of anglers, activists, guides, and fly shop employees who share our belief in the power of small steps. The Mayfly Project, Cast Hope, and Rising to the Fly are changing lives—one at a time—by developing relationships through fly fishing with underprivileged young people. Trout Unlimited and The Nature Conservancy are restoring streams, sometimes in large swaths, and sometimes one hole at a time. Fish For Garbage is removing tons of trash from fisheries by doing it the old-fashioned way: one piece at a time. Every one of these organizations is changing the world by steadily taking small steps. Trusting that our small, individual efforts will add up to effecting big changes requires faith and courage, and we are thankful for every person who has the courage to carry the mantle of stewardship in this way. If that is you, then thank you. Seriously, thank you. And please, keep it up!
The Folks at Loon
2024 Hosted Trips
Here's our our line-up for 2024. We have a few spots here and there on our Argentina departures for Estancias Laguna Verde, aka Jurassic Lake, and San Huberto, in February and March. These are two very different kinds of fishing but both have become favorite destinations. Jurassic is big, heavy, sometimes 20 pound rainbows, often feeding on dry flies! It's fun, exciting action to strong, hard-fighting fish. San Huberto, on the other hand, is a lovely 20 miles section of the Rio Malleo flowing through the ranch and it's hard to find a prettier spring creek. Matching the hatch, dry fly fishing, easy access, stream side picnics, and spectacular scenery. Check out both at: https://www.barryandcathybeck.com/travel and then call Ben Hoffman at Frontiers! 800-245-1950.
2023-2024 Hosted Trips:
Nov. 27-Dec. 2 Argentina Waters Trout
Dec. 2- 9 Estancia Tecka, Arg. Trout
Jan. 1-20 Christmas Island Trevally, bones, trigger
Feb. 3-10 Laguna Verde, Arg. Trout
March 3-9 San Huberto, Arg. Trout
March 9-14 Estancia Pilolil, Arg. Trout
March 16-23 Estancia Tecka, Arg. Trout
June 15-22 Ireland Trout
July 8-Aug 2 E. Africa Safari
Aug. 24-31 Bighorn River, MT Trout
Aug. 31-Sept. 7 Bighorn River, MT Trout
Oct. 22-29 TBA (Europe) Trout
November 2-9 Turneffe Flats, Belize Permit, bones, tarpon, snook
Dec. 2-7 Argentina Waters Trout
Dec. 7-14 Estancia Tecka, Arg. Trout
That's all for this week. Thank you for following along. The blog is now going out every other week. Thanks again for letting us know what you like about the blog.